Studietur til Holland: Ny inspiration til idrætsudvikling

Playce X er et fleksibelt bud på et idrætsanlæg, som fungerer efter principperne i den hollandsk udviklede Athletic Skills Model for motorisk udvikling. Tusindvis af hollandske idrætslærere og trænere undervises efter principperne i modellen. På studieturen får vi en grundig indføring i principperne og mulighederne i de fysiske faciliteter på Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Illustration: Recreational Systems International.

Studietur: Ny inspiration til idrætsudvikling

(foreløbig dato: 14.-16. september 2022)

Holland er et af verdens mest innovative og strategisk tænkende lande på idrætsområdet. På IdrætsPlatformens studietur i juni måned får deltagerne fra mange vinkler indsigt i nytænkende nationale og lokale idrætsstrategier, spændende og bæredygtige idrætsanlæg samt inspirerende tilgange til at motivere og engagere befolkningen i idræt. Vi kommer til at møde en række personligheder og idrætsmiljøer med konkrete bud på fremtidens idrætsmiljøer.

Deltagerne på turen vil møde inspiration og metoder, som vi direkte kan spejle os i og lade os inspirere af i arbejdet for at styrke idrætssektoren i Danmark. Turens programpunkter afvikles på engelsk.

Tirsdag den 7. juni 2022 kl. 11.00 – torsdag den 9. juni kl. 16.00. Turen starter og slutter i Holland. Der er gode flyforbindelser til rimelige priser fra Amsterdam fra København, Billund og Aalborg tirsdag morgen den 7. juni og hjem igen eftermiddag/aften, torsdag den 9. juni. Giv os besked, hvis du kører til Holland i egen bil.

Medlemmer af IdrætsPlatformen Danmark: Kr. 5.700,-
Øvrige deltagere: Kr. 6.700,-
Prisen inkluderer måltider under opholdet, lokal transport, lokaler og turledelse samt to overnatninger på godt hotel i Breda (enkeltværelse).

Prisen inkluderer ikke rejsen til Holland og lokal transport før/efter studieturen. Deltagerne tegner erhvervsrejseforsikring og arrangerer selv deres rejse fra Danmark til Holland. uren begynder ved Univesity of Applied Sciences i Amsterdam mandag den 7. juni kl. 11.00 og ender ved Verbindion, Nieuwegein torsdag den 7. juni kl. 16.00. Begge lokationer har hurtige forbindelser til lufthavnen i Amsterdam.

IdrætsPlatformen Danmark i samarbejde med Sport Vitality Hub, Breda og Sports Marketing Network, UK

Ansatte og ledere i idrætsorganisationer, større foreninger, private idrætsudbydere, kommunale forvaltninger, ledere i idrætsfaciliteter, sociale entreprenører, uddannelsesinstitutioner, leverandører m.m. Netværket i sig selv vil være en værdifuld anledning til at deltage i studieturen.

Benyt dette link.
Tilmelding snarest muligt og senest den 7. maj. Vi gennemfører turen ved min. 12 deltagere. Vent med at booke evt. flybillet til Holland, til vi er sikre på, at turen gennemføres. Hvis turen ikke samler den fornødne tilslutning, refunderes alle betalinger.

Se programmet nedenfor. Forbehold for enkelte ændringer.
Husk løbeskoene, hvis du vil med på morgenjog i Breda.


Day 1: Tuesday the 7th June 2022.

11.00: Start of the study tour.
Meeting point: (Room to follow), Amsterdam University of Applied Studies, Dr Meurer building (DMH), Dr. Meurerlaan 8, 1067 SM Amsterdam (a short taxi trip from Schiphol Airport).

11.00-11.30: Welcome and Introduction.

Henrik H. Brandt, manager, IdrætsPlatformen Danmark
Arno Hermans, co-founder and business initiator, Sports Vitality Hub, Breda

11.30-12.00: Sport, education and entrepreneurship in the Netherlands.
Introduction to Amsterdam University of Applied Studies and its sports programmes
The University has a wide range of sports and movement related studies, among them sports studies with a particular focus on entrepreneurial skills and spirit.
Katelijne Boerma, programme manager and lecturer, International sport management and business, Amsterdam University of Applied Studies, Sports Studies (and Bicycle mayor of Amsterdam).

12.00-13.00: Lunch hosted by the Amsterdam University of Applied Studies

13.00-15.00: Introducing the Athletic Skills Model. Creating the foundation for a physically active society.
The Athletic Skills Model (ASM) is a new and innovative way when thinking about movement for elite and broad-based sports, physical education (PE) and healthcare. The Athletics Skills Model is based on science and practice combined with motor learning with a focus on health, wellbeing and performance.

The Athletics Skills Model concept is a low-entry concept based on a high-quality multi-purpose surface to train in a leisurely and inspiring way. The Playce X is a 484m2 sport, movement and pleasure zone, where all 10 basic forms of movement can be trained.
The Athletics Skills Model uses 10 basic forms of moment where each are a ground form of a particular skill. It is a practical and scientifically-based talent development model for elite sport, recreational and unorganised sport, physical Education, health care, and art and culture.

Development of the campus infrastructure for sport and movement:
Thom Therwee, manager, Academy of Physical Education, Amsterdam University of Applied Studies

The Athletics Skills Model in practice. Visiting the sports, movement and pleasure zone of the university:

Geert Savelsbergh, scientific director, Amsterdam Institute of Sport Science (tbc)

15.00-15.45. Reimagine football – the future of sport
European football organisations, including the KNVB (Dutch FA), the Johan Cruijff ArenA, UEFA, City Football Group, and AFC Ajax, have joined forces to tackle joint challenges in the football industry through a joint football innovation programme. The three innovation areas are healthy, safe, secure and sustainable events, visitor experience, and encouraging performance and participation. Get an insight into the project and a research project into the future of football and sport.
Paul Huiszoon, lecturer, sport management, Amsterdam University of Applied Studies

15:45-16.30: Coffee break and transport

16.30-17.30: Urban development through the largest Urban Sports Park in the Netherlands
The ambition for the Urban Sports Zone in the Zeeburger Island 5 km from Amsterdam City centre and completed in 2020 was to build the largest skatepark in the Netherlands. The park has to serve as training facility for the future Dutch’s Olympic athletes, and the park has to be big enough to have national and international skate competitions. The park is part of a newly developed residential area. The plan for the island is to house residential housing to the waterfront and a green recreation area in the center. The overall purpose for the skatepark is to make the area attractive to more than just the local residents. The Skate park is designed by Danish skateboard icons and architects Rune Glifberg and Ebbe Lykke in close cooperation with local skateborders as well as the Amsterdam Municipality and its team of engineers. Learn more about the skatepark and the general sport policy of the Municipality of Amsterdam

Tba, Urban Sports Park, Zeeburger Island
Tba, Amsterdam Municipality

17.30-18.00: Transfer to Johan Cruyff ArenA, Amsterdam.

18.15-21.00: Visit to Johan Cruyff ArenA, Amsterdam
Johan Cruyff ArenA is the main stadium of the Dutch capital city of Amsterdam and the home stadium of football club AFC Ajax since its opening. Built from 1993 to 1996 at a cost equivalent to €140 million, it is the largest stadium in the country with a capacity of 55.500 spectators for football and 68.000 for concerts. Get a tour of the stadium and an introduction to the ongoing work with innovation and sustainability in the largest arena of the Netherlands.

Skylounge at Johan Cruyff ArenA

18.15-19.15: Stadium Innovation Tour, Johan Cruyff ArenA

19.15-21.00: Informal dinner and networking with a view to the pitch. Skylounge 235, Johan Cruijff ArenA

21.00: Bus transfer to the hotels in Breda (1:05 hours)
Accommodation in single rooms in two nice and central locations in Breda in near vicinity to each other:
Teaching Hotel De Rooi Pannen, Breda (educational hotel in former military barracks in downtown Breda)
Stadshotel De Klok, Grote Markt, Breda (hotel on the central square in Breda)

Day 2: Wednesday the 8th June:

07.30-08.30: Breakfast De Rooi Pannen Hotel

08.30-08.45: Transfer to Sports Vitality Hub, Breda

08.45-12.00: Introduction to Sports Vitality Hub, Breda. A hub for sports innovation.
Visit the new premises of Sports Vitality Hub Breda and meet some of the 20+ startups and sports related organisations that have assembled under the same roof in order to create a vibrant and visible community for sports entrepreneurships in the city of Breda. We will learn more about the Sports + Vitality Hub network, which is a virtual hub for sports entrepreneurs and which is currently growing into sports and vitality innovation hubs in several cities in the Netherlands. We will meet representatives from the city of Breda introducing us to the sports and leisure strategy of this modern and pleasant city with 180,000 inhabitants.

08.45-09.30: An introduction to the Sports Vitality Hub, Breda
Arno Hermans, co-founder and business initiator, Sports Vitality Hub, Breda

09.30-10.15: An introduction to the sports strategy of the Breda Municipality
Martin van Heugten; advisor sports and culture, Breda Municipality

10.15-11.00: Coffee break and mingling with the entrepreneurs
Mingling and short company demos from some of the sports startups and entrepreneurs located in the Sports Vitality Hub, Breda.

11.00-11.45: Circular design in modern sports architecture
A Dutch take on functional and sustainable sports architecture for the future
Rob van Vught, founder, Lichtstad Architecten, Eindhoven

12.00-12:45: Transfer to Sport Vlaanderen, Sport Center Brasschaat, Brasschaat, Belgium

Sports Centre Brasschaat is run by Sport Vlaanderen and capable of hosting and enabling a wide range of sports activities. Photo. Sport Vlaanderen Brasschaat

12.45-13.30: Lunch, Sport Vlaanderen, Sport Center Brasschaat, Belgium
We take a short detour to Brasschaat in the Flemish part of Belgium, which have many innovative ideas in sports promotion.
Fun fact: In 2006 Brasschaat just north of Antwerpen and close to the Dutch border won the prize as ‘The Most Livable Municipality in the World’

13.30-15.30: Innovation in sports facilities and sports delivery models in Flanders
Sport Vlaanderen, Brasschaat is a modern sports complex catering for a wide range of sports, clubs, camps and activities. Learn more about the plans and strategies of the Sport Vlanderen sports facilities and the work of the Flemish sports federation to grow sports and physical activity through clubs, federations and light communities in the Flemish communities in Belgium. What can we learn from Vlaanderen. What could they learn from you?

Elke Leenaards, manager of Sport Vlaanderen, Sport Center Brasschaat
Frank Bulcaen, manager policy and projects, Sport Vlaanderen

15.45-16.30: Transfer to Breda
Teaching Hotel De Rooi Pannen, Breda (educational hotel in former military barracks in downtown Breda)
Stadshotel De Klok, Grote Markt, Breda (hotel on the central square in Breda)

18.00-19.00: Breda City Tour
Historical city tour by foot including tower visit (optional).
Hosted by Arno Hermans, Sports Vitality Hub, Breda

19.00-21.00: Dinner and networking at the Old Dutch
The Old Dutch is a cosy sports bar and restaurant in central Breda.

Day 3: Thursday, 9th June 2022

07.15-08.00: Morning jog in Breda (optional)

08.00-09.00: Breakfast. De Rooi Pannen Hotel

09:00-10:00: Transfer to the Verbindion/Merwestein sports complex in Nieuwegein
The last day of the programme is organised in the Verbindion/Merwestein sports complex in Nieuwegein near Utrecht. The large sports and leisure complex works is a modern and forward thinking hub and catalyst for sport, community, and events in its local area.

10:00-11:30: The National Sports Agreement (Sportakkoord). Europe’s perhaps most ambitious policy and programme to promote sport and physical activity
No, it is not all perfect in Dutch sport… Children’s motor skills have declined and there are groups of people who never engage in sport. Sports facilities too often stand idle, not every spectator knows how to behave respectfully, and the traditional sports clubs are experiencing increasing pressure due to declining numbers of members and volunteers.
Since 2018 the The Dutch government, the Dutch municipalities, and Dutch sports organisations have worked together in the socalled Sports Agreement (Sportakkoord), which is a formal agreement between government, local authorities and sports providers to work on a range of common priorities. The Dutch government has allocated 400 million EUR a year to support the programme, and the independent research institution, Mulier Instituut, is monitoring the progress. Among the main priorities are more sustainable, vibrant and accessible sports facilities as well as more dynamic sports providers (private and voluntary organisations), more inclusive sports environments, and better motor skills for children from an early age.
How does the programme work and how do you monitor the progress?
Hugo van der Poel, co-director, Mulier Instituut

11.30-12.45: Private sports providers as a recognized partner in sports development
In the Netherlands, a wide range of private and entrepreneurial sports provides from various sports and events have joined forces in the ‘Platform of Entrepreneurial Sport Providers’ (Platform Onderneemende Sportanbieders) to develop the private sports sector and getting a more visible pace in the development of sports policies and strategies. How do private sports providers contribute to the sports sector in the Netherlands? What are the potentials and barriers for private sector sports providers to contribute even further to developing sport and physical activity in the Netherlands?
Lodewijk Klootwijk, Secretary General: Dutch Golf Course Association, Golf Course Association of EU & Platform Ondernemende Sportaanbieders

12.45-13.00: Lunch

13.00-15.00: An introduction and tour of Verbindion/Merwestein sports complex
Merwestien is one of the largest swimming and sports facilities in the region of Utrecht in close connection to surrounding park and outdoor facilities. The centre has won several prices for being one of the best and most innovative swimming facilities in the Netherlands.
Verbindion is the overarching organization of the sports complex working to organize, connect and attract people to sports clubs and sports activities in the area. Learn more about the facility and the organization, which takes a very proactive role in developing sport programmes, engaging in partnerships, attracting new target groups, and developing innovative events of all kinds.
Learn more about the Dutch concept of ‘neighborhood coaches’ (buurtsportcoaches), that sets up activities for various target groups in local areas all around the Netherlands.

Tour and presentation:
Ton Botthof, director, Verbindion, Nieuwegein

15.00-16.00: Final discussion and conclusions. What did we learn?

16.00: End of the study trip
Transfer by taxi to Utrecht Station (direct train connection to Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam)


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